Xie Wiki

This page contains an index and reference for content creation.

Check out ProjectRay12's Tutorial here: Xie Coding for Dummies

Essential learning[]

Before diving headfirst into creating content for Xie's Mod, there will be a little elementary knowledge you'll need to pick up. Expect to be a little frustrated here or there, but if you persevere you will be well on your way to making custom content with the best of them!


  • Blocks
    • Declarations:
      • name - The default name of the block
      • names - The names of each metadata value of the block
      • type - One of several choices for the type of the block to implement
      • override - The identifier that this block should delete and replace
      • id - The Minecraft ID of the block (if omitted, must be specified in a ".xid" file instead)
      • tex - The side textures, used when the block is in the game world
        • sides - One of several declarations to specify to which sides a texture applies to the block
      • texFile - The filename of the spritesheet to reference the texture(s) from
      • material - What the block is made out of, for purposes of tools
      • stepSound - What sound the block makes when stepped on or landed on
      • blockBounds - The dimensions of the 3D block when rendered in the game
      • hardness - How hard is the block to harvest with tools
      • renderType - How should the block be rendered (as a pane, cube, X, etc.)
      • lightValue - How much light the block gives off
      • lightOpacity - How much light can/cannot pass through this block
      • opaque - Whether light can/cannot pass through this block at all
      • smelted/cooked - The product when this block is smelted
      • fuel - The duration, in 1/20 sec, that this block will provide fuel when burned
      • walkthroughable - Whether this block is/isn't intangible (can be walked through)
      • becomesWhenDestroyed - A block to replace this block with when destroyed
      • tool - The types of tools that are "effective" against this block
      • spikey - Whether this block causes damage on contact
      • canBePlacedOn - Where this block can be placed on/against
      • spawn - How this block should spawn (deprecated - use a full spawn declaration instead)
      • drops - What identifiers this block should drop when destroyed
    • Basic
      • dropSelf - Whether the block's own identifier should be dropped (shorthand for specifying directly in "drops")
      • inheritMeta - Whether each specific subtype of this block should be treated as a separate block
    • Plant
      • growthRate - The percentage chance this block will grow on a given block update (average every ~35~75 sec)
      • growsOn - The list of blocks this plant will grow on top of
      • growsAgainst - The list of blocks this plant will grow on the side of (untested)
      • growthHeight - How tall should the plant grow, in Minecraft blocks
      • growsInto - What type the block should change into when it reaches its maximum growth
      • growsNearWater - The maximum distance this block can be from water to continue growing
      • lightLevel - The minimum light level for the block to continue growing
      • reproductive - Whether the block should spawn another of itself nearby when at maximum growth
      • fertilisable/fertilizable - Whether Xie's Mod fertiliser can be used to grow this plant
    • Crop
    • Bush
    • Sapling
    • Tree (leaves)
      • shape - One of several choices to specify the shape of the tree
      • trunk - Which block is used as the tree's trunk
      • trunkMeta - Which block is used for each corresponding subtype of the tree
      • sheds - A list of items or blocks to spawn as drops nearby, on a periodic basis
      • shedSaturation - The maximum number of drops that can be nearby before no more drops are made
      • colorise/colorize - Whether the leaves should be tinted based on biome shading
    • Log
    • Stem
      • grows - The type of block to spawn nearby
    • Furnace
      • idle - The block ID to place when this furnace runs out of fuel (BUG: will always show burning particles even when out of fuel)
      • initialBurnTime - Whether the furnace starts with fuel, and how much it starts with
      • naked - Whether the furnace will set fire on contact
      • volatility - A chance of the furnace setting fire to nearby blocks
      • burnLevels - A set of metadata values corresponding to amount of fuel remaining (BUG: does not reverse when refueled)
      • cookTime - The amount of time, in 1/20 sec, to smelt/cook a single object
      • fuels - What types of items or blocks can be used as fuel for this furnace, and their durations
    • Mounted
      • facing - What faces the block can be mounted on
      • isMovable - Whether the block can be moved with a special item or with bare hands
      • moveWithItem - The item used to move the block -- uses bare hands if not specified
    • Fence
    • Glass
    • Pane
    • Grass
      • dirt - The type of block that this grass will replace
      • canDie - Whether the grass will revert to dirt in darkness or when smothered
      • lightLevel - The minimum light level to grow and spread
      • colorise - (No "-ize" equivalent) Whether the grass should be tinted based on biome shading
    • Chest
      • largeName - Name tag shown at top of interface when the chest is large
      • animate - Whether the chest should be animated
      • jammable - Whether the chest is blocked by an opaque/solid block placed on top
      • merge - Whether the chest can auto-join with nearby chest blocks to make a large chest
      • mergeHorizontally - Whether the chest can merge horizontally
      • mergeVertically - Whether the chest can merge vertically
      • openSound - The sound played when chest is opened
      • closeSound - The sound played when chest is closed
      • mesh - The filename of the texture to apply to the animated chest model


  • Items
    • Declarations:
      • name - The name of the item (not "itemName" as specified in official documentation)
      • id - The Minecraft ID of the item (if omitted, must be specified in a ".xid" file instead)
      • type - One of several choices for the type of the item to implement
      • override - The identifier that this item should delete and replace
      • icon - The texture and sprite of the icon, for voxel model in hand as well as icon in inventory
      • texFile - The filename of the spritesheet to reference the icon from
      • smelted/cooked - The product when this object is smelted in a standard furnace
      • drops - List of blocks and/or objects added to player's inventory when this item is used in the hotbar
      • stackSize - The maximum number of these items that can be stacked together
      • container - The item added to the player's inventory when the object is used in a crafting recipe or is smelted
      • fuel - The smelting time, in 1/20 sec, that this object will contribute to a furnace when used in the fuel slot
    • Basic
    • Food (also for beverages)
      • hunger - Amount of (visible) food points added to player (a full meter is 20 food points)
      • thirst - Amount of hydration points added to player (CURRENTLY UNUSED)
      • nourishment - Amount of (invisible) food points added to player as a surplus to hunger (see Hunger (Mechanics) on Minecraft Wiki)
      • dogFood - Whether this item can be fed to wolves
      • action - Which animation and sound effects should play when the food/beverage item is right-clicked
      • potionEffect - A list of magic effects to apply to the player when the food/beverage item consumed
    • Seeds (also generic block placer)
      • growsInto - What type of block to place when right-clicked
      • inheritMeta - Whether the metadata of the block should be the same as the seeds when placed
    • Fertiliser/Fertilizer
      • worksOn - The list of plants that will be instantly grown to maximum when fertilised
    • Stick
      • blocks - Specifies the list of drops created when the stick is used to beat a specified block type
      • destroyChance - The chance per hit that the beaten block is destroyed
      • uses - The number of times the stick can be used to beat a block
    • Tool
      • blocksEffective - The block types that this tool can be used against to destroy quickly
      • materialsEffective -- The block materials that this tool can be used against to destroy quickly
      • canHarvest - A whitelist of blocks that can be harvested
      • cannotHarvest - A blacklist of blocks that cannot be harvested
      • transforms - A list of blocks that the tool will transform into another block on a right-click
      • efficiency - The speed multiplier when used against an effective block instead of an ineffective block
      • magicWand - Whether the metadata of any block right-clicked with this tool should be increased by 1 (DEBUGGING)
      • damage - The amount of damage, in half-hearts, applied on a successful hit with this tool
    • Bucket
      • canHoldWater - Whether the bucket can carry water
      • canHoldLava - Whether the bucket can carry lava
      • canHoldMilk - Whether the bucket can carry milk
      • names/bucketNames - The name of the bucket can be specified according to carried liquid
      • icon - The icon of the bucket can also be specified according to carried liquid
    • Sword (or other melee weapon)
      • damage - The amount of damage, in half-hearts, applied on a successful hit with this melee weapon
      • uses - The maximum number of successful hits possible with this weapon before it breaks
      • enchantability - The maximum level of enchantment possible (weapon cannot be enchanted without this)
      • flame - The chance of setting the target on fire
    • Bow
      • ammo - Type of ammo used
      • ammoConsumed - Whether the arrows fired are not retrievable
      • semiAutomatic - Whether the bow fires instantly on a right-click
      • power - The power of the launched shot for a semi-automatic bow


  • Aliases


  • Recipes
    • Quick recipe
    • Cull recipe
      • cull - The identifier for which all existing recipes should be deleted
    • Smelting recipe:
      • content - The identifier of the item to be smelted
      • smelt - The identifier produced by smelting in any vanilla furnace (NOTE: quantity is ignored)
    • Shapeless recipe:
      • product - The identifier produced when the necessary ingredients are combined on a crafting grid
      • content - The list of identifiers required on the crafting grid
    • Shaped recipe:
      • pattern - The specific shape, with each new symbol corresponding to the order of identifiers in the "content"


  • Spawns
    • Declarations:
      • block - The block identifier to spawn (optional)
      • type - Where the identifier should be spawned (which world generator to tie into)
      • rarity - The average number of chunks that must be generated before a spawn is attempted ("15" means 1 in every 15 chunks)
      • spawnsOn - A block identifier that must be directly BELOW the randomly selected tile
      • spawnsIn - A block identifier that IS the randomly selected tile to replace
      • spawnsNear - A block identifier that must be present before spawning is allowed
      • nearDistance - The maximum distance away that the "spawnsNear" block can be
      • spawnsUnder - The block identifier that must be directly ABOVE the randomly selected tile
      • biomes - The substring to match in the biome name when checking for spawning
      • cluster - The chances of spawning each different metadata value in the same lode
      • clusterSize - The maximum number of elements in the same lode (in ideal conditions)
      • clump - Whether the elements of the lode must be touching each other